For Juneteenth 2023, ASNEAA partnered again with The Green-Wood Cemetery– centering BIPOC narratives of social justice figures interred at the cemetery. CLP participants had the option of honoring the ancestors by visiting the permanent residents via trolley tour.
For the “All Eyez On Me” Year, the CLP event structure was updated to include an ASNEAA BIPOC Heritage Station with trivia + book prizes (courtesy of Brooklyn Book Bodega) to promote social justice advocacy + cultural literacy:
CLP participants at Juneteenth 2023 x Green-Wood were invited to explore the ASNEAA website and share their cultural background on the BIPOC heritage board:
CLP participants also had the opportunity to create arts as advocacy creative expression projects:
- Kindness Rocks
- Advocacy Painting
- Legacy Bracelets
Juneteenth 2023 x Green-Wood Press Coverage: